Aunt Annie's Fudge from our Valentine's Day Bonus 2025

You can always tell the quality of a recipe by the number of splatters on the page and Aunt Annie's fudge is no exception! We think that the secret ingredient might be the marshmallows, due to the corn syrup which keeps the sugar from crystalizing and the gelatin which gives it a smooth texture. Add nuts at the end if you wish or add whatever toppings you like to the top of the fudge before it sets. We love this recipe for the versatility too. As long as you come up with 26 ounces of chocolate (of course the better quality chocolate you use, the better your fudge will be). For the chocolate, Bossy used Callebaut for the sweet chocolate and Ghiradelli for the baking chocolate. Bootie used Trader Joe's Pound plus Belgian chocolate for the sweet chocolate and Guittard for the baking chocolate. We both used Nestle Toll House for the chocolate chips.
1 can 14 ounces evaporated milk (these days it only comes in 12 ounce cans, we found it doesn't make a difference)
1 stick salted butter
4 and 1/2 cups sugar
Place above ingredients in a large flat bottomed pan and bring to a boil, stir to keep from sticking. When it starts to boil, cover and let cook on low for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and fold in the following, one at a time IN ORDER:
1/4 pounds marshmallows (18 large ones--for these purposes, store bought is fine)
2 ounces unsweetened chocolate*
12 ounces sweet chocolate (see notes above about chocolate recommendations)*
12 ounces chocolate chips*
1 teaspoon vanilla (we covered making your own vanilla in Episode 3)--you can change it up by using Cointreau or Kahlua
2 cups nuts (optional)
Once it's mixed, pour into a greased 9 x 13 baking pan and let set several hours before cutting.
*Any combination of chocolate may be used as long as it adds up to 26 ounces.