Episode 10 April Fool's!
April Fool's!! Did we get you? Bossy and Bootie had a lot of fun looking back at April's Fools past and scheming for this year's fun. Although Bootie presented the recipe as a joke and would never serve it as a salad, it is a delicious dessert if you're going to a 70's party or just craving the taste of 70's cuisine. Once again, we're here to make you feel better about yourself. You're welcome!
In our very first episode we talked about Grandma's Xmas slippers. And speaking of Grandmas, "Earth to Grandma" by the Ass Ponys is just so perfect, we had to include the lyrics here:
It's a doll completely made of socks
It's a cover for a tissue box
It's a clothespin duck and a Funfur cat
And a crazy yarn and beercan hat
Earth to Grandma
What the hell is that?
It a painted rock with google eyes
It's a matchstick cross where Jesus died
It's a plaque that says 'I Heart My Home'
It's toothpicks, felt, and styofoam
Earth to Grandma
What the hell is that?
And here's a link to their awesome video: Earth to Grandma Video
And another one to the Little Rascals episode with the surprise cake: Cake Episode
Isn't he cute? And useful too! This adorable Bender holds your extra roll of toilet paper and you can pose him next to a beer bottle (sorry Bender, I only had Ginger beer) just in case you get thirsty in the bathroom. Bootie made this many years ago and doesn't remember the yarn but most likely acrylic which goes with this episode's theme. There's a Nibbler pattern as well.

If you want to make something fun for your kids, Bootie recommends New Knits on the Block by Vickie Howell:
Bossy spoke about the Special Effects Cookbook. Thank you Aunt Annie, another master of April Foolery, for sending that to Thomas!
And whatever you do, don’t knit like my sister!