Episode 12: Three Great Books: Vegetarian Salads, Animals and Hats!
"Books are a uniquely portable magic.”
―Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
In this episode, Bootie and Bossy have three book recommendations. First, we discuss the cookbook Community by Hetty McKinnon. Bossy first discovered the cookbook while listening to this episode of the Milk street Podcast. Hetty approaches salads like a good novel: with tantalizing characters and delicious plot twists. She has excellent advice for what to put in your larder so that you're ready when 5PM rolls around to put together something nutritious and satisfying. In fact, it's so satisfying that you might not even mind that it's vegetarian! Next, we discuss Knitted Animal Friends by Louise Crowther. Bossy gave this book to Bootie for her birthday after seeing it in the Black Purls yarn shop in Sandwich, MA. And we got to see one of the animals in person at All Wound Up yarn store in Edmonds (see the video below for a tour of the store). Finally, we discuss the book Knitting the National Parks by Nancy Bates. All Wound Up features kits for these wonderful park inspired hats.

Bootie knit up the horse from Knitted Animal Friends by Louise Crowther. Bootie's version is based on her sister Melissa's rambunctious horse Hawthorne. In case you can't tell the difference, the real horse is on the left ;-). Bootie used Scheepjes stonewashed in Cream and Black Onyx. Photo of the real Hawthorne by Marina Shipova.

Bossy attached the beautiful Jul buttons that she got at Stranded by the Sea to her Arpeggio poncho.

And whatever you do, don’t knit like my sister!