Episode 25: Get better fast Mom so you can enjoy this cocktail!

Whelp, Mom is in the hospital again, so it's time for another cocktail! Update: she's out of the hospital and in a rehab where she is making excellent progress! So cheers to that! Bootie first learned about the Bobby Burns cocktail from Darcy Cameron, the owner of Shibui yarn. Unfortunately, Shibui closed during the pandemic, however, MadelineTosh is now carrying some of the yarn. Meanwhile, Darcy has pivoted to writing a life blog called Shibui Life. One of her first installments was about the five types of whiskey (Scottish, Irish, Japanese, Canadian, and Bourbon). For her blog on Scottish whisky or Scotch, she included the delicious Bobby Burns Cocktail. Bootie and Bossy did not have the required Scotch (or Benedictine, or Absinthe, well, ok, Bootie had the absinthe but is keeping the bottle purely for aesthetic reasons), so they used what they had on hand, and it was delicious.
As for Robert Burns, a.k.a. Bobby or Rabbie, he is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland and an early promoter of the Romantic movement. When he wasn't farming and writing poetry, he was quite busy fathering children (12!). His birthday is celebrated on January 25th, and many toast him with this cocktail. In addition to writing the New Year's classic, "Auld Lang Syne", he wrote this gem, "The Answer" (can't you just here the Scottish brogue?):
Ev’n thena wish (I mind its power)
A wish, that to my latest hour
Shall strongly heave my breast;
That I for poor auld Scotland’s sake
Some useful plan, or book could make,
Or sing a sang at least.
You can find out more about Robert aka Bobby Burns here.

And speaking of drinks, Bootie and Bossy thoroughly enjoyed A History of the World in 6 Glasses by Tom Standage. There were so many gems in this book. We loved how he highlighted the fascinating details about beer, wine, distilled drinks, tea, coffee and Coca-Cola while putting them in the context of larger and broader historical trends. Some things that stood out for us:
The British Navy got some of its strength due to the grog (named after Admiral Vernon who wore a suit made of grogram, a coarse fabric strengthened with wood gum) the sailors drank. The drink contained rum, sugar and lime juice. The lime juice prevented scurvy. Unfortunately, the French were drinking brandy which contains very little vitamin C and thus the sailors fell victim to the maritime disease. That grog gave the British Navy the edge against the French and lead to British Imperial domination . . . hooray?
Who knew so much of American history depended on alcohol? The Pilgrims ran out of beer and that's why they wound up in Plymouth! The Whiskey Rebellion--why is that not a movie? George Washington was a big time distiller and seems to have largely bought his votes with alcohol.
And for you tea drinkers out there, apparently the tannins in tea prevent dysentery, cholera, and typhoid. You're welcome.
And one of the big messages: beer, wine, and alcohol made unsafe water pure, so drink up because it's good for you (ok, this may only be true if you don't have access to safe drinking water but let's not sweat the details).
Knitting Updates:
Bootie has (trumpet please), a finished object! She has finished the Taos Poncho by Marie Greene. Bootie used Serial Knits Dyehouse Sport in the colors Baby Hammie (for the main color), Deep Relaxation (for the edging), and a OOAK called Purple Mystery for the accent. She's not sure if she will add the duplicate stitching, TBD. The textured part is worked with tuck stitches, and the bottom picture shows the reverse or wrong side.

Here's Holly the Hedgehog in her Xmas/Valentine's Day outfit. She is cheering Mom on at rehab.

Bossy finally finished the Annabella hat for her nephew! Made from stash yarn and modelled by her neighbor. It might be a little big. Room to grow. Le sigh.

And whatever you do, don’t knit like my sister!