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Episode 34: Abundance

Episode 34 final editBootie and Bossy
00:00 / 36:55

Whether you have an abundance of tomatoes in your garden like Bossy, or bought them on sale at the market like Bootie, you will love this super simple and amazingly delicious recipe. It's great for those back to school nights when you need something fast. And if you prep everything in the morning (your future you will thank you for that), your kitchen will smell wonderful all day. The recipe for linguine with tomatoes and basil comes from the Silver Palate Cookbook and we've made a few updates, as always.

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Bossy's tomato and basil abundance!

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Bossy bought this plate in France when she was there for Bootie's wedding. Luckily, Bootie's husband forgave Bootie for cutting off the point of the brie on one of their first dates; a big no-no in France. After all, as the plate demonstrates,  egalite comes first in their motto, "Egalite, Fraternite, Liberte"! 

Our knitting in pop culture is brought to you by the Gilmore Girls Season 7, Episode 9 titled "Knit, People, Knit". Bootie actually heard about the episode from a newsletter sent from Ritual Dyes, not Modern Daily Knitting so you should subscribe to both of those newsletters, after you subscribe to ours of course! While the producers of Gilmore Girls may not have consulted any knitters about how to knit and the whole idea of getting sponsored per skein is preposterous, they got the philosophical side of knitting down ("knitting for knitting's sake"), not to mention all the great puns. We want that t-shirt that says "Knit or go home"! If you would like to knit for a great cause, Knitted Knockers is low on their inventory of bra inserts for people who have had mastectomies. 

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Another finished object! Bootie finished her "composion" (our sister's excellent word for when you make up your own thing and now part of the family lexicon) in time for Rhinebeck. She remembers that the light blue yarn was a Sew Happy Jane (she doesn't remember the color but likely it was from a monthly fiber subscription), the dark blue was Grey Drizzle Fiber in Corvid, the mohair was La Bien Aimee (not sure of the color) and there's a silk yarn in there that she held with the mohair. She made a triangle by increasing from the center out in garter and then worked on each side of the triangle to form a rectangle. She then added a border which was Nancy Marchant's Sister Janie. Bootie knit the border separately and sewed it on after crocheting a border on both the rectangle and the brioche. Finally, Bootie crocheted the two edges together to form a poncho. 

And whatever you do, don’t knit like my sister!

Hand-turned wooden bowls by Douglas Morrison Designs

Bootie and Bossy are sisters that share a love of crafting and cooking. Join us as we share a favorite recipe and discuss our adventures in crafting (mostly knitting).

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We have a game, thanks to our brilliant children who made it for us! Note that (for now) it is only playable on a desktop computer. Maybe you need a distraction for certain people so that you can get more knitting time? Or maybe you want to play a superfun knitting game? Either way, enjoy!!

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