Fanny's Ratatouille from Episode 18

Pour la ratatouille de Nana, il faut respecter les proportions :
1 oignon ou 2 ou 3 petit oignons nouveaux
1 aubergine
2 belles courgettes
3 ou 4 belles tomates
1 poivron rouge vert ou jaune.
Ail si tu aimes
Thym et laurier
Huile d'olive
Sel poivre
Laver et couper les légumes en morceaux pas trop petits.
Dans une poêle ou idéalement un woke, mettre l'huile a chauffer, y mettre l'oignon puis l'aubergine, faire un peu cuire un peu. Puis mettre les courgettes le poivron et les tomates. Thym laurier ail.
Cuire à couvert a feu moyen environ 30 mn.
Voilà ma recette, essaie là et modifie la si nécessaire avant de publier
Bonne dégustation.
Here is the Google translate in English:
For Nana's ratatouille, you must respect the proportions:
1 onion or 2 or 3 small spring onions
1 eggplant
2 good zucchini
3 or 4 good tomatoes
1 red green or yellow bell pepper.
Garlic if you like
Thyme and bay leaf
Olive oil
Salt pepper
Wash and cut the vegetables into not too small pieces. Bootie really likes this method for chopping onions.
In a frying pan or ideally a wok, heat the oil, add the onion then the eggplant, cook a little. Then add the zucchini, peppers and tomatoes. Finally, add thyme, laurel (bay leaves), and garlic.
Cook covered over medium heat for about 30 minutes (Bootie and Bossy cooked it for 20 minutes).
Here is my recipe, try it and modify it if necessary before publishing
Good tasting.
After all the vegetables have been added.

Cover and cook for 20-30 minutes, depending on how soft you want the vegetables.

The final product (without the cheese and cous cous).

Bossy added cheese! She really likes Bel Gioioso Salad Blend which you can keep in your freezer for emergencies.