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Episode 1Bootie and Bossy
00:00 / 35:35

The beginning is more than half of the whole and sheds its light on all the rest"--Aristotle


 Stephanie Pearl McPhee’s books are delightfully funny and insightful. Her website is Yarn Harlot


Keith Leonard is a master at finishing and also dyes beautiful yarn. Here is his website: Knits all done


Churchmouse patterns that we recommend for beginners:

Fingerless Gloves

Easy Folded Poncho


Here’s a fun hat pattern. It does involve short rows but we believe in you!:

Lucy Hat (Ravelry link)


Marie Greene has some wonderful sweater patterns. Bootie is a founding member of her Knit Camp and highly recommends it if you are looking for a supportive, upbeat knitting community. Here is her website: Olive Knits


Bossy got her yarn for her first successful knit project (and has been back for many more skeins since) at Webs


Bossy first got her start in weaving at the Hill Institute in Florence, MA


Bossy and our brother in the sweaters Grandma knit them circa 1967

Apple cocktail 3.HEIC

Caramel Apple Cocktail

1 part caramel vodka

2 parts apple cider

1 part seltzer or sparkling cider

Mix well and serve over ice

The blanket that our mother knit (she started in 1962 and finished in 1964).

And whatever you do, don't knit like my sister!

Hand-turned wooden bowls by Douglas Morrison Designs

Bootie and Bossy are sisters that share a love of crafting and cooking. Join us as we share a favorite recipe and discuss our adventures in crafting (mostly knitting).

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We have a game, thanks to our brilliant children who made it for us! Note that (for now) it is only playable on a desktop computer. Maybe you need a distraction for certain people so that you can get more knitting time? Or maybe you want to play a superfun knitting game? Either way, enjoy!!

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