Episode 5 Marshmallows, Looking back and looking forward
"Life is like a marshmallow; easy to chew but hard to swallow."--Francis Bacon

Here is our mom in the beautiful cardigan Bossy knit for her! Bossy used Juniper Moon Zooey in Carmine Color 52. The pattern is Yumiko Alexander's Tulip from her book Modern Deco, 10 Stylish Designs

The cableknit sweater Bootie made for her son fits! Phew! The pattern was Oda by Yoko Hatta and the yarn was Dream in Color Classy in colorway Prince William
Projects for the New Year!
Bootie is making the Brezel cardigan which is with Marie Greene's Knit Camp. The pattern is part of a workshop which includes learning how to steek (Bootie thinks there's a reason for the eek in steek--you are cutting your knitting on purpose!). She is using the yarn that Marie recommends, Purl Soho Good Wool in Blue Moon. Bootie is also casting on for the Musselburgh hat with the Uneek Sock yarn that Bossy gave her for Christmas. Bossy bought the yarn at The Craftivist in Atlanta where she met Vincent Williams!!
Here's a picture of Bootie's crooked Christmas tree:

And whatever you do, don’t knit like my sister!