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Episode 6 Chili and January projects

Episode 6 Bootie and Bossy
00:00 / 40:16

“Almost every recipe ever made – French, Italian, English, Indian – begins with chopping onions. That's the foundational act of all cooking. So every night I find myself chopping onions at six o'clock and it's both life-giving and monotonous, providing and draining."--Adam Gopnik

Bootie Knits

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Brezel -4.JPG

When Bootie is not working on the Brezel cardigan, she is making a Musselburgh hat by Ysolda Teague using the Uneek sock yarn that Bossy gave her for Christmas. The colorway is Number 53

Musselburgh hst.jpg

Bossy Knits

Bossy is casting on for the Arpeggio Shawl by Martha Wissing. She is using the yarn that the designer chose: Valley Yarns (Webs' brand) Westfield in Graphite, Natural and Persimmon. And Bossy is showing that she is the boss of her knitting by making it into a poncho instead of a shawl. She's using the dimensions of the Churchmouse Easy Folded Poncho as a guide.


Bossy splurged on a set of Addi Rocket square needles when she was at Webs. Bootie has gotten the same needles from Makers' Mercantile and loved them. Bootie is also very happy with the set of limited edition Forte Chiaogoo Needles she got for Christmas.  Her husband bought them for her at Les Tricoteurs Volants in Paris, ooo la la!


And whatever you do, don’t knit like my sister!

Hand-turned wooden bowls by Douglas Morrison Designs

Bootie and Bossy are sisters that share a love of crafting and cooking. Join us as we share a favorite recipe and discuss our adventures in crafting (mostly knitting).

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We have a game, thanks to our brilliant children who made it for us! Note that (for now) it is only playable on a desktop computer. Maybe you need a distraction for certain people so that you can get more knitting time? Or maybe you want to play a superfun knitting game? Either way, enjoy!!

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